National DPBRN Hosts Dr. Naoki Kakudate

Naoki at Meeting
Note: This photo was taken prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and requirements for universal masking.

In early November 2015, the National DPBRN was excited to host Dr. Naoki Kakudate, visiting professor from Japan. During his stay, Dr. Kakudate got a first-hand look into the inner workings of the South Atlantic regional administrative site, seen here with the team during our weekly meeting.

Naoki Presents 1Dr. Kakudate also had a chance to meet some of our other colleagues in UFCD, and share insights about his own experience with practice based research in Japan, at a lunch-and-learn hosted by the National DPBRN.

Overall Dr. Naoki Kakudate and the National DPBRN had a fun, engaging, and productive visit. We look forward to his return in the spring.



Note: This photo was taken prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and requirements for universal masking.